Acne Care Tips I Picked Up from My Dermatologist

 Toward the end of last year I started experiencing some gnarly cystic acne on my jawline. Literally pimples I have never experienced before. They’d stay forever, leave behind red marks, and would flare up regardless what time of month it was. After a while of trying to combat it on my own, I knew I needed to get down to what was really triggering it.

I spent days researching dermatologists in my network and staring at their headshots. Did they have good skin? I want advice from a PRO who was walking the walk. I landed on one that had picture perfect skin and was so incredibly nice.

It was pinpointed that I was up against hormonal acne based on the placement and how it was flaring up. While there are oral medications to help clear this, I went with a topical route that takes a little longer. In addition to this, I had to revamp my skin routine. The biggest thing? Stop using oil. She shared a lot of helpful tips that I think any and all can take advantage of. 

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Six Acne Care Tips

Use lukewarm water when washing your face

I did some side research on this and found that hot water can strip the skin of natural oils and cause the skin to dry out and even cause acne flareups.

Skip rough cloths, scrubbers or brushes when cleansing and use your hands instead.

The only time I’m using a cloth on my face now is to remove my makeup and it’s a baby washcloth. They’re extremely soft and don’t irritate the skin. It’s a total game changer.

When drying your face, pat instead of rub.

Again, we’re working on calming the face, not irritating it.

Use a moisturizer when your skin feels too dry and/or appears flakey.

If your skin doesn’t feel dry or tight after cleansing or treatments, it’s ok to not layer on a moisturizer. In the AM I usually skip and use a moisturizing sunscreen instead and a PM lotion at night.

Make sure products are labeled oil-free or non-comedogenic.

This includes moisturizers, makeups, and sunscreens.

Witch Hazel can be used as a toner

If you’re using, I highly recommend using a reusable round.

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What I’m Currently Using:

It goes without saying, but it’s always recommended to consult with your dermatologist on what route will work best for you and your skin.